Android total war attila image
Android total war attila image

  1. Android total war attila image how to#
  2. Android total war attila image series#

Heavy Onagers are quite the same, but with higher range and damage.For a while Total War vied with Civilization as the PC’s most essential strategy series. If you´re defending they may quite usefull if you use them in first person mode (press the insert key). Onagers are meant to destroy buildings or massed infantry in cities, in a field battle are they too immobile (and a preffered target for cavalry). Scorpions are really good for killing infantry and cavalry, but weak against buildings. With good micro and use of terrain probably one of the best cav units. Horse Archers are meant to harass enemy infantry and artillery. They are not suited for a longer "standing" battle.Ĭombat cavalry is in general a good unit, better stats (besides charge bonus) and thus lasting longer in combat. Lance/Shock-Cavalry is meant to charge a enemy unit, then retreat and charge again. Every cavalry type has their own purpose. A single Scout-Equites slaughter a whole unit of Archers with no or minimal losses. Even the early starting units (like Scout-Equites) are really powerfull. Use the special abilities (like Formations).Ĭavalry is by far the strongest in the TW-Series. Slingers slows enemy units, have a really high rate of fire and are powerfull against units with no armor but medicore against armored units (really usefull to slow a enemy unit down and charge with a cavalry unit in their back). Javelins have the highest damage of all ranged units but limited range and fire rate.Ĭrossbows have bonus damage against armored units. Ranged combat is different from the other games, use the "right" ammunition for the enemy units (normal arrows against units with no armor, fire arrows have bonus damage against cavalry and elephants and reduce enemy morale, and the third type of arrows are against armored units ).

android total war attila image

They use them automatically (unless you deactivated it). Most infantry units have ranged weapons (like javelins). "Normal" sword/mace units are good against spears. Pikes are the hard-counter for enemy cav. For example, Falx-Warriors for killing armored infantry, Spearmen for defending the flanks and killing cavarly (some Spear-Units have the "Shieldwall" ability, use it to increase the defense of your unit). Use you infantry for their meant purpose. Spear-Commitatenses for example are nearly invulnerable against enemy fire when they are in Testudo-Formation (and face in the direction of enemy fire). Shiels are far more usefull than in other TWs, simply because they block enemy arrows and javelins (depends on the Shield-Strenght and proper positioning). In general, hammer and anvil tactic is quite good (binding enemy infantry with your infantry and charge with cavalry in their back). In some situations is the AI still quite helpless (sieges), but in field battles it´s like mentioned quite good. AI tries to flank, separate or isolate single units and is overall "smarter" in using the terrain than in the other games (had in Rome 2 several battles where the whole army marched straight against my general, ignoring the harassing skirmishers.).

Android total war attila image series#

So I wonder - does Attila have the best battle AI of all the TW titles? And if so what does one have to do to beat it?Īs an aside: I kind'a think that the TW Warhammer series has had its battle AI severely dumbed down (I'd opine on just why that is but my mother taught me that if I didn't have something nice to say I should in most cases just not say it) AND using just me as a gauge beating it is no problem at all unless I'm very, very outnumbered.Īttila has indeed the best combat AI of all TW-Titles. Sometimes, if I didn't know better, I'd swear I was playing against a human. AND that's just two of the most glaring examples.

android total war attila image

It uses cavalry like I've never seen a TW AI do before. When it's getting whipped it will retreat most of its force, regroup and rest while leaving enough of it's force to pin mine down so I can't chase the AI down. And I've seen the AI do some really smart things. The battle tactics that worked in the other TW games don't work in Attila.

android total war attila image

Android total war attila image how to#

I am currently spending most of my time in custom battle mode trying to figure out how to beat the AI. NOT one and that's a lot of battles because I don't think I've got more than 4 to 6 hours in campaign. I have close to 40 hours in Attila and I have yet to win a single battle. I'm far from an expert when it comes to fighting the AI in a battle but overall I'd say that generally I win 3 out of 4 battles in every Total War title except Attila and that's on normal difficulty. A little background: I have or have had every TW game made all the way back to Shogun 1 and Medieval 1 and thru Warhammer 2.

Android total war attila image